We are passionate about leveraging cutting-edge technologies and challenging the status quo.


About us

Our foundation is firmly established in technology, design, and strategy.

Years of experience, coupled with a meticulous process, distinguish us in our field.

About Twogether.One

At Twogether.One, we don't just build businesses; we craft success stories. With over two decades of collective expertise, our team excels in turning visionary ideas into tangible realities. Our journey has been marked by a relentless pursuit of excellence, leading us to become a beacon in the venture building landscape.


Our Expertise

Spanning across multiple domains, our proficiency lies in nurturing new ventures and elevating existing ones. We are wizards in digital communication, known for our ability to optimize and transform. From intricate planning to flawless execution, our services cover every step of the entrepreneurial journey.


Our Impact

Our track record speaks volumes. Having partnered with over 84 clients, including giants like Etisalat, TATA Communications, Microsoft, Heineken, P&G, Seat, and T-Mobile, we've delivered groundbreaking products and solutions that have redefined industries. Our global footprint extends from Czechia to the USA, Mexico, UK, Poland, Germany, UAE, Pakistan, and India, showcasing our ability to transcend boundaries and cultures.


Our Promise

Twogether.One is more than a venture builder; we are your partners in transformation. We promise to navigate the complexities of the digital world alongside you, fine-tuning operations to perfection. With us, your business isn’t just set to grow; it's poised to shine.


Join Us

Embark on a journey of transformation and success with Twogether.One. Together, we will scale new heights, turn challenges into opportunities, and achieve unprecedented business goals. Let’s create the future, together.

Manifesting Visions

We would be delighted to have a conversation with you.


Sidney Zdenek Hornych

Founding Partner

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Tomas Silny

Founding Partner

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Have an interesting project that doesn't fit into the usual categories? Let's talk about it. Get in touch.

What Projects Spark Our Interest?


Artificial Intelligence

Artificial intelligence (AI) is already reshaping the world and is set to continue its transformative journey. With its vast potential, AI is poised to revolutionize sectors from healthcare to finance, and transportation to education. It offers the ability to enhance prediction accuracy, automate mundane tasks, and extract new insights from vast datasets. Furthermore, AI is changing our interaction with technology, paving the way for more natural, intuitive user interfaces and elevating overall user experiences. In essence, AI stands at the forefront of innovation, promising to profoundly reshape our future in countless ways.


Green Technology

In today's world, the significance of green technology and environmental, social, and governance (ESG) considerations is growing rapidly. Green technology encompasses the creation and application of environmentally sustainable and friendly technologies, like renewable energy sources, energy-efficient building materials, and electric vehicles. ESG, in contrast, focuses on the criteria that investors use to assess a company's impact on society and the environment, along with its governance practices. These factors are increasingly pivotal in guiding responsible investment and corporate strategies.



Web3, or the decentralized web, represents the next evolutionary stage of the internet. This new paradigm aims to foster a more open, transparent, and decentralized online experience. At its core, Web3 is anchored in blockchain technology, enabling the creation of decentralized applications (dApps) free from central authority control. Web3 encompasses other groundbreaking technologies like decentralized finance (DeFi), non-fungible tokens (NFTs), and decentralized autonomous organizations (DAOs). These innovations collectively work towards a more decentralized and democratized internet structure.



Datafication refers to the transformation of information, activities, and objects into analyzable data, significantly enhancing decision-making and fostering innovation. This process is revolutionizing various industries, including healthcare, finance, transportation, and marketing. In healthcare, datafication enables personalized treatment plans using individual health data. In finance, it provides more precise risk assessments, while in transportation, it optimizes routes and reduces congestion. Despite its potential, datafication presents challenges related to privacy, data ownership, and ethics. Thus, it's crucial to balance its benefits with the protection of individual rights and freedoms.



Hyper-automation represents an advanced stage in the evolution of automation, integrating technologies like artificial intelligence (AI), machine learning (ML), and robotic process automation (RPA) to form comprehensive automation solutions. This approach extends beyond automating simple tasks, encompassing the automation of entire processes including data analysis, decision-making, and complex workflow execution. Hyper-automation enables organizations to enhance operational efficiency, reduce costs, and boost productivity. As a transformative force in organizational operations, hyper-automation holds immense potential but requires careful and strategic implementation to fully realize its benefits.


Art & Technology

The convergence of art and technology is forging new frontiers in creativity, expression, and innovation. Technological advancements have given rise to novel art forms like digital art, interactive installations, and virtual reality experiences. They have also simplified the creation and distribution of art, with artists increasingly leveraging social media, online marketplaces, and crowdfunding platforms. Conversely, art significantly influences technology, driving new designs, interfaces, and applications. Additionally, art plays a crucial role in addressing societal issues, from championing social justice to highlighting environmental concerns. Ultimately, the symbiotic relationship between art and technology is dynamic and continuously evolving, profoundly impacting how we create, communicate, and interact with the world.

Clients say

Hear from the ones that know us best – our clients.

We are thoroughly impressed, not just with the outstanding results, but also with the process and transparency throughout. This has been one of the best external development experiences we've encountered. Thank you for your exceptional work.

Ron Grippo

Tata Communications, Solution Architect


Continuous support on accommodating
requests by Etisalat with extensive load and security testing to meet high availability and
security requirements allowed to implement the solution on Etisalat Private Cloud. This is a rare achievement by any major or small vendor with Etisalat.

Zuilfiqar Khan

MOBILITY MEA, Board Chairman & Co-Founder


Our Clients

A Proven Track Record with Trusted Partners and Clients.

We take great pleasure in collaborating with our clients and partners.