We deliver solutions that span across disciplines and technologies, consistently exceeding expectations.


Our services

We are a team of ambitious and multifaceted professionals, committed to excellence in every endeavor.

We guide projects from initial ideation and strategy right through to the delivery of finished solutions.

We thrive on delivering excellence.

Our team has been collaborating seamlessly for over 21 years, a key factor enabling us to synergize our expertise and deliver precisely what each project requires, regardless of the business size.

We have a broad spectrum of experience, ranging from working with startups to handling companies with hundreds of employees, and even large holdings with a global presence, operating through numerous offices and thousands of employees.

Efficiency in Action: How Twogether.One Masters Workflow

Daily routine

Our daily morning calls, a cornerstone of our workflow, play a pivotal role in orchestrating seamless project execution. These calls serve as a strategic compass, guiding us in setting the right priorities and ensuring that our projects are completed promptly, without unnecessary delays.

At Twogether.One, we pride ourselves on harnessing a diverse array of tools and solutions that work in harmony to optimize efficiency. Our commitment to efficiency extends beyond internal processes to benefit our clients, ensuring that every project is executed with precision and delivered on schedule. It's this dedication to streamlining workflow that defines our approach and sets us apart in the world of digital innovation.

Key Services

Idea Validation and Market Research

Conducting market research to validate business ideas.

Analyzing market trends and consumer needs.

Product Development

Designing and developing prototypes.

Offering technical expertise in product development.

Business Model Innovation

Assisting in developing innovative business models.

Providing guidance on monetization strategies.

Brand and Marketing Strategy

Creating branding strategies.

Developing and executing marketing plans.

Financial Planning and Investment Support

Offering financial planning advice.

Assisting in securing investments and funding.

Networking and Partnership Development

Facilitating connections with industry partners.

Organizing networking events.

Mentorship and Training

Providing mentorship from industry experts.

Conducting workshops and training sessions.

Digital Transformation Services

Assisting in digitalizing business processes.

Offering technology integration solutions.

Sustainability and Social Impact Strategies

Advising on sustainable business practices.

Developing strategies for social impact.

International Expansion and Localization

Assisting in expanding business operations internationally.

Advising on localization strategies for different markets.

Venture Building for Existing Businesses

Helping established businesses to innovate and develop new products.

Offering tailored services to build and scale new business ventures.

Our Clients

We have collaborated with Tier-1, mid-size companies, and startups.

Are you ready to be our next success story?







KPIs First. That's what we keep in the mind. Always.



We search the market. Locally, globally. We look for numbers, patterns and competitors. We build market analysis, business models, P/L and all other KPI-based sheets to make data-driven decisions.


We led technical teams across multiple continents. We led teams in the USA, in India or UAE. When it was required, we moved to another continent for a year or to a different country for many months. We do what needs to be done.


We often need to negotiate deals between third-party companies or clients. We've successfully negotiated with C-level manages at Tier 1 MNOs, banks, retail and governmental sector.

UX/UI Design

User journey, use cases, flows, UX and UI. We love to design all this in a way to make the project above expectations.


Creating great documents such as Sales Books, Play Books, Pitch Decks and general presentations, including One-Pager is something we do as a daily bread.


Corporate identity, logos, manuals of visual principles, non-traditional business cards and other branding needs are part of what we deliver.


If the part of the project is the development of Android, iOS apps and PWA (Progressive Web App) as well, we are ready to make it happen. We are also use to discussions with Apple and Google stores approval teams.


16+ years of Amazon Web Services, 7+ years of Google Firebase and 6+ years of custom proprietary T-1 clouds gives us a solid background to design the right solution for the project with perfect price to performance ratio.

Technical Discovery

Technical Discovery and Supervision are usually one of the component of every successful project. It's like with a house construction. You simply just don't start writing down the documentation. You first speak with the architects, designers and engineers prior you write down a full vision and specifications.


Our long-term approach will make things happen.

Global solutions from A to Z.


Research & Plan

We create market analysis, business model and plan, P/L, B/S.



We design the screens not only to make them look great. We make them work in all user cases scenarios.



We pre-select technologies we recommend to enter the market in set timing and requirements.



We execute all by ourselves. We are also used to work with remote teams and get the work done.



We are flexible to adjust the solution to response to changing factors, conditions, and environments.

Tech Stack

We use stable solutions to get balanced ratio of functionality, costs and performance.


ChatGPT, powered by OpenAI's advanced language model, is a game-changer in how we interact and collaborate. We harness ChatGPT's capabilities for data analysis and advanced methods. It assists us in processing and interpreting complex datasets, unlocking deeper insights and trends that drive informed decision-making. This integration of ChatGPT into our analytical processes reinforces our commitment to delivering exceptional results and innovative solutions for our clients.

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Dart is a client-optimized language for fast apps on any platform. Flutter apps are written in the Dart, a language optimized for fast apps on any platform.

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Flutter is an open source framework by Google for building beautiful, natively compiled, multi-platform applications from a single codebase.

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Node.js is an open-source, cross-platform JavaScript runtime environment.

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TypeScript is a strongly typed programming language that builds on JavaScript, giving you better tooling at any scale.

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Google Workspace

Google Workspace is a collection of cloud computing, productivity and collaboration tools, software and products developed and marketed by Google.

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Figma is a collaborative web application for interface design, with additional offline features enabled by desktop applications for macOS and Windows.

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Firebase is a set of hosting services for any type of application (iOS, Android, PWA). It offers NoSQL and real-time hosting of databases, content, social authentication (Google, Facebook, Twitter and Github), and notifications, or services, such as a real-time communication server.

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Elastic Stack

It's comprised of Elasticsearch, Kibana, Beats, and Logstash (also known as the ELK Stack) and more. Reliably and securely take data from any source, in any format, then search, analyze, and visualize.

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BigQuery is Google's fully managed, serverless data warehouse that enables scalable analysis over petabytes of data.

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Amazon Web Services (AWS)

Amazon Web Services (AWS) provides on-demand cloud computing platforms and APIs to individuals, companies, and governments, on a metered, pay-as-you-go basis.

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Google Cloud Platform (GCP)

Google Cloud Platform (GCP), offered by Google, is a suite of cloud computing services that runs on the same infrastructure that Google uses internally for its end-user products.

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Attlassian Products

Atlassian's team collaboration software like Jira, Confluence and Trello help teams organize, discuss, and complete shared work.

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Asana service is a web and mobile "work management" platform designed to help teams organize, track, and manage their work.

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Adobe Creative Cloud

Adobe Creative Cloud is a set of applications and services from Adobe Inc. that gives subscribers access to a collection of software used for graphic design, video editing, web development, photography, along with a set of mobile applications and also some optional cloud services.

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Docker (software), an open-source software project automating the deployment of applications inside software containers

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Manifesting Visions

We would be delighted to have a conversation with you.


Sidney Zdenek Hornych

Founding Partner

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Tomas Silny

Founding Partner

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